All Foundation Repair in Edmonds

Every home needs a strong foundation. If a foundation is poorly protected, water can soak up into the concrete, causing cracks and weakening the home’s support. By using a waterproof spray and drainage board, you can prevent moisture from soaking up into the concrete.

The foundation handles water from roof runoff, and it drains water from above and below the ground. The problem with this is that without a waterproofing system, the foundation can crack under hydrostatic pressure — the force a standing fluid, such as water, exerts on the foundation walls.

The average cost to repair foundation problems in  is $4,600 with most homeowners spending between $2,500 to $7,000. Minor foundation crack repairs cost $650 or more to fix, while major repairs that require hydraulic piers can cost $10,000 to $15,000.

Foundation repairs can be an expensive home repair. Foundation repairs are generally not covered by your home insurance. Foundation damage doesn’t just happen by itself. If your home insurance covers whatever caused the foundation damage, then your insurance should pay for the foundation repairs.